Chũbu is located in
Japan and has 25,786 square miles located between the Kanto and Kinki region. At this time there is not a core in place to unite the region into one functional unit. It does act like one geographically. The major configuration of Chũbu consists of the overlapping of the Northeast, Southwest, and Shichito-Mariana Mountain arcs.
Chũbu is pretty well divided into three different sub regions. There is the Hokuriku area that is located along the Sea of Japan. This region consists of Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, and Fuku areas. Most generally Hokuriku is called Ura Nihon which means reverse Japan. This is because of the gloom and snow of the winter weather is associated with the region’s temperament. Two of the main industrial developments in this area are aluminum smelting and fertilizer production.
The next region of Chũbu is Tosan. Tosan consists of the inland prefectures of Yamanashi, Nagano, and Gifu. Before World War II Tosan was the silkworm raising center of Japan. Its main agriculture production consists of rice, fruit, and mulberry trees. It is also a manufacturer of precision instruments. The deep gorges and high mountains make them a great source for hydroelectric and is also a great attraction for visitors.
Tokai is the third and final region inside of Chũbu. This region consists of Shizuoka and Aichi prefectures. It has a climate that consists of windy and bright winters. It has been experiencing heavy industrial as well as urban growth since the early 20th century.