Cape Breton Island’s shore of Bras d’Or Lake is home to the lovely town of Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Originally home to the Mi’kmaqs, it was later settled by French missionaries in the early 1600s. There are plenty of activities in the spring through fall months on the water, and certainly an abundance of winter sports to participate in during the colder winter months. This is a beautiful and historic area that has activities for all to enjoy.
Whether visitors are looking for sporting activities, outdoor fun, historical information, or just plain old relaxing, Baddeck has something to offer for just about everyone.
1. Bras d’Or Lake offers visitors a selection of water activities, including sailing, canoeing, kayaking, and fishing that will appeal to many visitors.
2. For those wanting more of a historic flair visits the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site. Learn about his experiments with kites, boats, and hydroplanes among many others.
3. For the frontiersmen in the crow the Cabot Trail is the road that must be traveled, and watch for the fascinating scenery and historical points along the way.
4. When travelers want to wet their whistle, the Glenora Distillery provides a great single-malt whiskey – perfect to enjoy the Ceilidh and bring out that drop of Scotsman in everyone!
5. The winter months offers some excellent skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and sledding.
6. Golfers will find several golf courses to satisfy that need to beat par.
From golfing to a great drive to fishing and winter sports, Baddeck offers many things to do in a magnificent setting.