Delaware has it’s assortment of cities but it’s greatest in terms of number of residents is Wilmington. It can be found around the exact place where Christina River as well as Brandywine River meets, and it is known for its very industrialized chemical production as well as its great number of corporate facilities and methods of doing business.
The city’s number of residents is as mentioned very large with a total of 73,000 residents. Many of those have been attracted by the pro economical laws and as such many choose to have their residence in the city. Besides, the city offers many opportunities for those with an education as the city has a real interest in the credit card industry and many of the jobs are done in the spirit of this hi established mode.
For those with an interest in contemporary culture it is worth mentioning that Wilmington has been the place where Fight Club has been shot, in fact many people are attracted by this state of affairs and visit the potential spaces where the movie is known to have been shot.
Another great attraction in the city has to be the port in Wilmington that for many has been a place for work but also a place for their continuous enjoyment. In fact 400 ships a year travel here, most of them carrying commercial cargo and this can be quite a sight.