Originally named the Village of Bohemia, Chesapeake City was renamed in 1839. It is one of the old historic towns in Maryland that had a lot of the original homes from the mid 1800s of which many have been converted into restaurants, or bed and breakfast. When the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal was built, the town was divided into north and south sectors that were connected by a drawbridge. When a freighter hit the bridge in 1942 a new one had to be built.
There are a number of interesting things to do in Chesapeake City, such as:
• The 14 mile long Chesapeake and Delaware Canal is 14 miles long and at many points around 450’ wide and the high bridge allows supertankers to pass through, which made for an extremely long and tall bridge that’s very interesting to visitors.
• There are a variety of bed and breakfast inns that provide a different stay than the standard hotel. The Ship Watch Inn that was built in the 1920s, the lovely Inn at the Canal that was built in 1876, the Sinking Springs Cottage all providing lovely quiet retreats from the typical bustling hotels.
• For people who enjoy tours on the water, there are a variety of water excursions that explore the Delaware canal and the Chesapeake Bay.
• There are some great places to shop and enjoy a good meal.
When visiting in Chesapeake City, there are plenty of relaxing and interesting activities for guests.