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Top 7 Attractions in Tuscany

Popular Tuscany landmarks and tourist spots

  • Leaning Tower of Pisa thumbnail
    The leaning Tower of Pisa in Tuscany, Italy.
    The Pisa Tower, otherwise known as the Leaning Tower of Pisa, really was a labor of love, taking well over a hundred and fifty years to build. This tower is the campanile of Italy's cathedral, which means that it is a freestanding bell tower. The tower is located in what is known as the Field of Miracles (Campo dei Miracles), which is behind the actual cathedral's main building. The tower's most distinctive feature is that although it was designed to stand vertically, its poorly laid foundation causes it to lean significantly toward the southeast ...

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  • 3 Ponte Vecchio

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    Ponte Vecchio thumbnail
    Part of the Ponte Vecchio in Firenze.
    Along with the distinctive Duomo, or cathedral and the famous statue of David by Michelangelo, the Ponte Vecchio has become one of the symbols of the beautiful Italian city of Florence. The Ponte Vecchio – or Old Bridge – is the oldest bridge of several that span the River Arno and the only one to survive World War II. It was built in 1235 by the architect Taddeo Gaddi and replaced an older wooden version of the bridge, which had stood on the spot since Roman times ...

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  • Uffizi Gallery thumbnail
    An angled picture shot of a sculpture and dome at the Uffizi Gallery.
    Galleria degli Uffizi (Uffizi Gallery) is among the world's most celebrated, oldest, and renowned art museums. It calls the Palazzo degli Uffizi in Florence, Italy its home. The Palazzo was originally built as offices for the Florentine magistrates of Cosimo I de' Medici. Giorgio Vasari began construction in 1560. What resulted is a horseshoe-shaped structure spanning the River Arno and the Piazza Signoria ...

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  • Undoubtedly one of the best public squares in the world, Piazza del Campo is a sloping scalloped-shape area that stands as the heart of Siena, Italy. Its elegant beauty sweeps you off your feet, as it had captured the hearts of many for several centuries now. And it still is a plaza to fall in love with.

    The city of Siena is nestled at the foot of three hills. The Piazza del Campo sits right smack at the point where the three hills (the San Martino, the Castellare and the Camollia) meet, thus symbolically uniting these hills ...

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  • Dante's House (Casa Di Dante) in the 13th century was home to Alighieri families. This area stretched between church Piazza dei Donati and S. Martino in Florence, Italy. At the onset of 20th century, Municipal Administration asked to build a façade, now known as Dante's House, to commemorate the birth of Dante Alighieri, the famous author of Divine Comedy ...

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  • Medici Chapels thumbnail
    The interior of a dome in the Medici Chapels.
    The 'Capelle Medicee' are part of the Basilica di San Lorenzo di Firenze in Florence, Italy. The exterior of the chapel and the basilica are unprepossessing—the façade has never been completed. Inside, however, the beauty of both the basilica and the chapel is undeniable. The basilica is one of Florence's largest churches and is located at the heart of the city's largest market district ...

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