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Top 8 Attractions in West Virginia

Popular West Virginia landmarks and tourist spots

  • Harpers Ferry National Historic Park is best known in history for being the venue of John Brown's attack on slavery where the largest number of Federal troops surrendered during the American Civil War.
    Harpers Ferry town is situated in Jefferson County, West Virginia, on the U.S. Route 340, barely 90 minutes from Washington, DC. It is the meeting ground of three states— Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland.

    It spans an area of over 2,300 acres and visitors here can enjoy several hiking trails and explore the scenic and historic town of Harpers Ferry for museums, guided tours, restaurants and souvenir shops ...

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  • Berkeley Springs Historic State Park is a state park situated in the middle of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. At the heart of the park is its spa whose waters are said to have medicinal powers in curing digestive problems and stress. The natives of this area and George Washington visited this spa. It is America's only state-run spa.

    Since the 1750s, this parkland was used as a health resort, but the land was given in 1776 to Virginia by Lord Fairfax ...

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  • The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is the USA's national radio observatory. It was set up in the mid-1950s, is funded by the National Science Foundation and managed by Associated Universities, Inc., a consortium of nine top class private universities. It is headquartered in Charlottesville, Va.

    The NRAO designs, builds and runs its own highly sensitive radio telescopes for scientists to use globally ...

    Read more about the National Radio Astronomy Observatory

  • Deep in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains of eastern West Virginia, USA, is situated the Monongahela National Forest. It was established in 1920 in the northern mountains of West Virginia where it nestles between the highest ridges here. It rises to a height ranging between 1,000 feet and 4,863 feet above sea level. Due to its variations in precipitation and terrain, it has one of the country's most ecologically diverse national forests ...

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  • Seneca Rocks, situated in West Virginia, USA, was bought by the Federal government in 1969, and is known as one of the best landmarks in the country. They are a unique tourist attraction and are particularly popular among rock climbers.

    These rocks are an imposing formation that rises above the North Fork River to almost 900 feet. These quartzite rocks are about 250 feet thick and are situated on the exposed crags or ridges ...

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  • The New River Gorge National River is a part of the United States National Park Service (NPS) which came into existence to maintain and protect the New River Gorge in southern West Virginia. This area was established in 1978 and spans 85 km right from Hinton downstream to Hawks Nest State Park near Ansted.

    The river here forges the longest and deepest of all river gorges in the Appalachian Mountains. In the gorge, one can see over 300 meters of shale and sandstone, large boulders scattered in the river, fossils of plants and invertebrates ...

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  • New River Gorge Bridge thumbnail
    A view of New River Gorge Bridge from the north side.
    The steel-arch bridge near Fayetteville, West Virginia, USA, is the New River Gorge Bridge. It is 924 meters long and 518 meters wide. About 40, 92, 129 kilos of U.S. Cor Ten steel and American cement were used to construct this landmark. Today, it is the world's No. 3 largest arch bridge in the world. Every day, an average number of 16,200 cars and vehicles use this bridge ...

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  • Greenbrier Hotel thumbnail
    The entrance view of the Greenbrier Hotel in West Virginia.
    The Greenbrier Hotel is situated in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, USA. As a resort, it has won several awards and is among America's many National Historic landmarks. In the midst of the impressive Allegheny Mountains, it boasts classic architecture and interior design, and meticulously sculpted landscape, courteous service, and superb amenities ...

    Read more about the Greenbrier Hotel

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