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Rome Cultural Events Calendar
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Cultural Calendar

Rome Cultural Events Calendar

January 6th - Befana festa at the Piazza Navona (Epiphany fair) . This party concludes the Christmas festivities. Many gifts and candies for the kids.

January 21th - At Chiesa Si Saint Agnese Fuori le Mura (St. Agnes Church). Two lambs are offered to the care of Saint Cecilla's Benedictines who creates with the wool the "paliums" which are offered by the pope to the archbishops.

March 9th - Car benedictions at the Santa Francesca Romana Church.

March 19th - For the feast of St. Joseph, typical bignè & fritelle (kind of cabbage/doughnuts made for the occasion) are offered in the Trionfale neighbourhood.

Good Friday - Night time cross walk between the coliseum and the Palatin.

Easter - The pope gives his urbi & orbi blessings at Saint Peter's square.

April - For the Spring Feast, Azaleas ornate the Spanish Steps in Trinità dei Monti.

April 21st - Mythical anniversary date of the foundation of the Eternal City, Rome in 753 B.C. by Romus and Romolus. Ceremonies are made at the Capitol. See Rome history.

May -
- Art expositions along the via Margutta.
- Flowering at the municipal rosery.
- Antiquities fair on the via dei Coronari

June - Industrial and commercial Rome fair on the via Cristoforo Colombo.

June 23rd and 24th - St.John feast in the St.John neighbourhood. Games and popular manifestations are held in a party ambiance.

June 29th - St.Peter's and St.Paul's feast. Offices are celebrated at St. Peters. It is the most prestigious religious Roman feast.

June and July - Tevere Exposition. Exposition featuring Italian and international art along the Tiber banks.

July 15th to 30th - Festa de Noantri. Popular fair in the Trastevere neighbourhood.

July & August - Estate Romana. Music concerts and popular manifestations throughout the city.

August 5th - At Saint Maria Majore, celebrating the original "miraculous" snowfall that presided the original opening after it's construction. White petals are thrown like rain in the Paulina chapel.

December 8th - Immaculate Conception feast at the Piazza di Spagna with the Holy father.

December - Christmas cribs expositions. Red carpets are unfolded in front of shops and in the streets around the city. Midnight masses in St.Peter's, Saint Maria Majore and Saint Maria d'Araecoeli and other churches. Urbi & orbi blessings at Saint Peter's square.


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