Come Spring and the air in Seville in Andalusia, Spain, is transformed into one of joy and rapture as the town starts preparing for the Seville Fair, also known as the April Fair or Feria de Sevilla. The fair begins on a Sunday at the stroke of twelve and is on until the next Sunday. Held on a ground of 1.2 million square meters known as the Real de la, the fair is officially inaugurated by the Mayor of Seville by switching on the lights of the grounds. This scene itself is breathtaking! The grounds are arranged in three sections – one dedicated for parking, one section houses an amusement park and a large area is dedicated for casetas. Casetas are tents set up by distinguished and well-known Seville families, clubs, political and social groups. Most casetas come with their own bar, kitchen and some form of live entertainment including the local Sevillana style of music and dance. The casetas come to life around mid-noon with glasses full of flowing Jerez sherry, tapas and Manzanilla wine and some wild Sevillana dancing until the wee hours of the next morning. Admission to some casetas is only through invitation while some such as the caseta organized by the local Town Hall is open to everyone. Afternoons are marked by parades of local beauties dressed in tantalizing flamenco outfits, locally known as traje de gitano. Men can also be found in traditional dresses known as traje corto. Bull fights are organized in Plaza de Toros de Maestranza.