Situated on the eastern part of Switzerland is the region of Graubünden, the largest of all of the regions that make up the country of
Switzerland. Graubünden is surrounded by the region of Liechtenstein on the north, the countries of Austria and Italy on the east and south respectively, the region of St. Gallen on the northwest, Glarus and Uri on the west and Ticino to the southwest. The name Graubünden, which literally translates as “Grey Leagues”, was given to the region due to the three alliances that had once controlled the area which now make up the region, namely, the League of God’s House, the Grey League and the League of Ten Jurisdictions.
Graubünden has been recognized as one of the most visited regions in the country especially during the winter months. This is because Graubünden is home to some of the most popular ski resorts in the country. These are spread all over the towns of Davos, St. Moritz and Laax. Tourists and locals can choose from a wide variety of winter sports and activities such as skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing and snowmobiling.
Today, the region of Graubünden offers more than just a winter playground for tourists and locals alike. The region is also home to some of the finest spas and wellness centers. One of the most popular spas and wellness centers in the region is the Sernus Sulphur Baths. This oasis of wellness and relaxation is open all year round, offering travelers numerous pools that contain just the right amount of sulfur which has been found to be extremely beneficial for one’s skin.