During the incredible Gilded Age of the late 19th century, numerous mansions were constructed on Bellevue Avenue in Newport, Rhode Island and the Beechwood Mansion is one of the most beautiful of these so-called 'summer cottages'. This particular estate was originally built by Daniel Parrish in 1851, but later on it was purchased by two brothers, George and John Astor, who manufactured flutes and started the legendary Standardbred horses.
The Beechwood Mansion has some incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean and the Newport cliffs. This beautiful mansion offer tours by the Beechwood Theatre Company who play the roles of the family and servants of the Astors. Visitors will see exactly what life was like to live in this magnificent home. They also host a variety of events throughout the year, so check the calendar.
Visitors can take the Newport Cliff Walk that is a three and a half mile walk along the shores to see some of the most magnificent structures in the area. It is identified as a National Recreational Trail along these magnificent cliffs.
This mansion has an incredible ballroom, formal dining room, a music room, and numerous bedrooms, sitting rooms, plus the magnificent grounds. It has been a popular place for weddings and special events for many years. Be sure to check out the beautiful gardens, fountains, and landscaping.
When travelers are touring in New England, the Beechwood Mansion is one of those places for guests to stop, spend a day touring the home and the grounds.