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Top 10 Attractions in Newfoundland

Popular Newfoundland landmarks and tourist spots

  • Signal Hill is a city of Los Angeles in California. It is a place of tourist interest and had abundant resources of oil. Today the city has a lot of commercial and residential areas. The city is surrounded completely by the city of Long Beach.

    Signal Hill is famous for its parks and natural resources ...

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  • 2 Pippy Park

    7 /10
    Summertime is around the corner, and Pippy Park, St. John's, Newfoundland, needs to be on the "A" list of unique and wonderful places to plan on spending a few days' vacation this summer. Situated on 3400 acres, it incorporates several campuses, a golf course, a very popular environmental educational center, and all the amenities that one would expect to find in a beautiful city park ...

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  • 3 The Rooms

    7 /10
    One of the best cultural centers in North America is The Rooms, found in St. John's, in Newfoundland. Sitting on a hill overlooking the picturesque harbor town, along with its closest neighbor – the Basilica of St. John the Baptist, dominates the skyline. This site combines art galleries and museums in an expansive and convenient setting where guests can spend hours enjoying the displays ...

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  • The Railway Coastal Museum is located in Newfoundland on the Water Street in Canada. This is a transportation museum and has on exhibition the items used in the Newfoundland Railway and the coastal water transportation. This museum helps one get a better understanding of the history of both the transportation means in the province.

    There are over 40 pictorial exhibits, 21 costumed figures from the 1940s, posters, murals and paintings, models, maps, and biographies ...

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  • When looking for the best nightlife in St. Johns, George Street is the place to find a quaint, quiet, or hopping bar or pub. The evenings find pedestrians strolling through numerous bars – and it's generally believed this area has more bars per square-foot than any other street in all North America ...

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  • 6 Tablelands

    7 /10
    The Tablelands is a raised, barren area in the Gros Morne National Park of Newfoundland. It is located between the Woody Point and Trout River in the park. The Tablelands is made up of peridotite and is believed to have formed several hundred million years ago. The rock peridotite is very high in magnesium and low in calcium. The high iron content accounts for the brownish colour of the Tablelands and underneath is a dark green coloured rock ...

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  • The Western Brook Pond is a Canadian lake located in the Gros Morne National Park of Newfoundland. The pond is situated in the Appalachian Mountains and is more of a fjord than a lake. On all sides, this pond is surrounded by the steep rocky walls of the mountains. The walls are around 2000 ft high and the pond is of great interest to tourists and geologists ...

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  • The Grenfell House Museum is located in Newfoundland, Canada and is the restored house of Sir Wilfred Thomason Grenfell. Sir Wilfred was a medical missionary and the house was designed by him and his fiancée, Anne Elizabeth Mac Clanahan. The house was built in 1910. The house was turned into a Registered Heritage Structure in 1986 by the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador ...

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  • Located in the Waterford Valley of Newfoundland, the Bowring Park is a major tourist attraction of the place. It is a scenic park and has a statue of Peter Pan and a sculptured duck pond leading to the entrance of the park. The duck pond is man made and the statue was erected in memory of Sir Edgar Bowring's granddaughter. The pond has a lot of fishes, ducks, geese, and swans in them ...

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  • Located mostly underground in an excavated glacial formation, the Johnson Geo Centre museum opened in 2002, and takes great advantage of the geological features of the area. Want to go back through Earth's history, learn about volcanoes, earthquakes, and the awesome forces that have molded and created our planet? Then this geological center is a fascinating premier place to visit.

    Within the Johnson Geo Centre, there are four fascinating sections that everyone must spend some time, and includes these exhibits:

    1 ...

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