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Top 26 Attractions in Lazio

Popular Lazio landmarks and tourist spots

  • Sistine Chapel thumbnail
    A Sistine Chapel wall and ceiling overview.
    In Rome, the Sistine Chapel is named for Sixtus IV della Rovere, who was Pope from 1471 to 1484. The chapel's interior walls are covered in exquisite frescoes painted by some of the greatest Italian artists in history, including Perugino, Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, Rosselli, and of course Michelangelo, who painted the stunning frescoes which adorn the ceiling ...

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  • St. Peter's Square thumbnail
    Saint Peter's square at the Vatican within Rome.
    You are standing in a courtyard, surrounded by hundreds of other people equally awed by the majesty of the sights you are all-seeing. Before you, over 400 feet tall and almost 400 years old, rises the magnificent Saint Peter's Cathedral. As you turn to glance about the elliptical colonnade in wonder, you are greeted with the sight of hundreds of pillars holding up the ancient Baroque architecture ...

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  • Villa Borghese thumbnail
    The Villa Borghese mansion in Rome.
    The Villa Borghese is a large natural park in Rome. It contains a few buildings, attractions and hosts the Galleria Borghese museum. Its main entrance is through the upward leading path of the Spanish Steps.
    The Greek Temple
    The area was a vineyard up until the 17th century ...

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  • 4 Roman Forum

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    Roman Forum thumbnail
    Overall view of the Roman Forum
    The Roman Forum, the heart of Rome. The citizens of ancient Rome spent a good part of their days there. The great place was surrounded with temples and legal buildings and filled with statues, bridges, arcs, and columns. So the 'Forum Romanum' was a remarkable marketplace center point for all business and shopping made by Rome's ancient citizens ...

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  • Trevi Fountain thumbnail
    The famous Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy.
    The Trevi Fountain is one of the most popular and photographed fountain in the world. This grand fountain, most likely the most beautiful one in Rome, is located in the Quirinale district and is clearly the masterpiece of the small Trevi square. 'Trevi' is derived from the word 'Trivium', meaning 'where three streets meet'. This monumental baroque Trevi Fountain is within walking distance of the Piazza Navona and the Spanish Steps ...

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  • 6 Spanish Steps

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    Spanish Steps thumbnail
    The famous Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy.
    The Spanish Steps is another top-rated attraction located in Rome's heart ('Centro Historico'). It is also one of Rome's favorite romantic spots and one of the most popular city landmarks.The Spanish Steps has 138 steps that connect the Piazza di Spagna (or Spanish Square), one of the most elegant square, at the bottom to the Franciscan Trinità dei Monti church at a higher level ...

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  • 7 Pantheon

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    Pantheon thumbnail
    The Pantheon in Rome.
    The Roman Pantheon is now the best-preserved building in Rome and the oldest 'important' building in the world to still have an entirely intact roof. The building's design is attributed to Apollodorus of Damascus, a second-century Greek engineer and architect. While the method of construction of the Pantheon has never been determined, there is no doubt that it is a truly remarkable achievement. The building of the Roman Pantheon was begun in 27 BC, commissioned by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa ...

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  • 8 Rome Coliseum

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    Rome Coliseum thumbnail
    Exterior structure and arches of the Roman Coliseum.
    The roman coliseum ('colosseum' or 'Colosseo') is probably the most ancient world-renowned monument in Rome. It was one of the very first roman amphitheaters to be built. It is located between the Caelian Hills and the Esquiline on marshy type of land. Records show that the colosseum was built over many years and was inaugurated around 80 A.D.
    The Emperor Vespasian started the construction of the coliseum, or 'colosseum' ( 'colosseo' in Italian) , about a decade after Nero's reign and the 'Great Fire' on Rome in 64 A ...

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  • Piazza Navona thumbnail
    The Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy.
    As always, the Piazza Navona is synonymous with joy, festivities and popular entertainment. Today, Romans and tourists hang there day and night beside street artists, musicians and portraitists. The medieval streets around the Piazza Navona are full of artisan shops, trattorias and pizzerias. There is an elegant and natural mixture of baroque and renaissance-style buildings ...

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  • 10 Trastevere

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    Trastevere thumbnail
    An alley in the Travestere area of Rome.
    Medieval Rome at its earthiest and in some areas, its most charming – that is Trastevere. Its name means 'over the Tiber', as it is separated from central Rome by this river that streams through the city. It used to be home to artisans during medieval times. Part of Trastevere's charm is the warren of narrow lanes that lead to street-corner shrines and garden terraces ...

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  • St. Peter's Basilica thumbnail
    Part of St. Peter's Basilica exterior in Rome.
    Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, surrounded by the city of Rome, is a sight that delights the eye and captures wonder and beauty from every angle. With a dome that may have helped to inspire Saint Paul's Cathedral in London, among others, Saint Peter's rises over Vatican City like a shining star. The Saint Peter's Basilica, also known as the Basilica of Saint Peter, is the foremost place of worship of His Holiness, the Pope, who is the Catholic people's religious leader ...

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  • Castel Sant'Angelo thumbnail
    The St. Angelo castle from the Tiber river.
    The Castel Sant'Angelo, also known as the Mausoleum of Hadrian, is located in the district of Borgo, in Rome. This cylindrical building was built on the right bank of the river Tiber between 135 and 139 AD. The ashes of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who died in 138 AD, were placed there when the building was completed. Until the year 217 AD, the ashes of other Roman Emperors were also placed here, a room deep inside the building's interior ...

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  • Campo de' Fiori Piazza thumbnail
    The Campo de' Fiori plaza in Rome.
    One part of the eternal city that epitomizes the free-willed spirit of Rome is the Piazza Campo de'Fiori. A large languid city square in the heart of Rome, it is a place where you can hear the Roman heart-beat. Encircled by buzzing cafes, bars, and inns since ancient times, the place is home to a thriving fruit and vegetable market in the mornings and a throbbing and pulsating nightlife ...

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  • Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls thumbnail
    A frontal view of the Basilica Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura in Rome.
    Imposing and elegant, the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls - built in the 4th century - is one of Rome's four papal basilicas. About 2 km outside the Aurelian Walls (after which the basilica is named), this massive Roman church - and the second largest after St. Peter's Basilica- has undergone centuries of change and expansion. It was destroyed in a fire in 1823, rebuilt, and reopened in 1840 thanks to the contributions of many faithful Christians from all over the world ...

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  • Archbasilica of St. John Lateran (Cathedral) thumbnail
    A view inside the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran in Rome, Italy.
    Most tourists are unaware of the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, located over the Celio Hill on the south side of Rome. Even less might know that this splendid Basilica - and the oldest church in Europe - is the mother church of all Roman churches that ranks even above St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican ...

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  • Janiculum Hill thumbnail
    A panoramic view of Rome from the Janiculum Hill.
    Rising above the trendy neighborhood Trastevere, south of the Vatican sets the Janiculum Hill (Gianicolo in Italian). Some people consider it as the eighth hill of Rome. Nestled just outside the historical center, it is a peaceful place to visit and get away from Rome's hustle and bustle. Janiculum played an important historical role in defending the city; that's why its walking paths are full of sculptures of important heroes, including Giuseppe Garibaldi ...

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  • Roman Ghetto thumbnail
    The Via della Reginella street in the Roman Ghetto.
    The Roman Ghetto, within the Sant'Angelo District, is the oldest Jewish community in all of Europe. It was established in 1555 on the Tiber banks. Until 1870, the city’s Jewish population was forced to live behind a walled gate, under severe restrictions and controlled by the Pope. It was built on low, malarial land subject to floods from the Tiber ...

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  • San Luigi dei Francesi thumbnail
    Upper facade of the San Luigi dei Francesi church in Rome.
    Once you've gotten a taste of the works of Renaissance master Caravaggio, you might want to head to the San Luigi dei Francesi church to admire his most powerful works. Located between Piazza Navona and the Pantheon, this opulent baroque church is home to a celebrated trio of Caravaggio paintings: the Vocazione di San Matteo (The Calling of Saint Matthew), the Martirio di San Matteo (The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew), and San Matteo e L’Angelo (Saint Matthew and the Angel), known together as the Saint Matthew cycle ...

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  • Giorgio de Chirico House Museum thumbnail
    The interior of the Giorgio De Chirico House Museum in Rome.
    Giorgio De Chirico spent thirty years living and working in the 17th-century “Palazzetto dei Borgognoni” in Piazza di Spagna in the center of Rome, the city's cultural and artistic heart. De Chirico – who passed away 40 years ago - is known to have produced artwork in the neoclassical and neo-Baroque style, and his works are also featured in art institutions like the Guggenheim. Following careful restoration, the Giorgio de Chirico House-museum opened to the public in 1998 and offers visitors a guided tour of some of the artistic production of this master of surrealism ...

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  • Via Condotti thumbnail
    A view of the chic Via Condotti in Rome.
    Just like Milan, Rome is a cult for shopping. The eternal city is full of elegant shops, megastores and big brands shops, in the city center or on the outskirts. The hotspot for high fashion is the Tridente area; it stretches to Piazza di Spagna, Via Condotti, till Piazza del Popolo. It's the city's luxury center - loved by tourists and Romans - and one of the most expensive shopping areas in Italy ...

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  • 21 Ponte Sisto

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    Ponte Sisto thumbnail
    The Ponte Sisto over the Tiber river.
    Ponte Sisto, or Sisto Bridge, is one of Rome's most famous bridges, crossing the Tiber River and connecting Rome’s historic center with the charming Trastevere neighborhood, where laundry swings overhead and flowers burst from window boxes. The Ponte Sisto offers one of the most beautiful perspectives on Rome’s skyline, from the Janiculum Hill in the west to the St. Peter's Basilica in the north. Ponte Sisto was rebuilt on the ruins of the Roman bridge, “Pons Aurelio”, which was built under Emperor Antonino, with the aim to connect the two river banks ...

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  • Papal Audiences thumbnail
    The papal balcony at the Vatican.
    Normally, Pope Francis holds a Papal Audience in St. Peter’s Square every Wednesday morning at 10:30 am that usually runs 60-90 minutes. During the winter months, they are held in the Paul VI Hall and occasionally at the Pope’s summer residence, Castel Gandolfo. The Vatican website has an up-to-date schedule informing about the location the audience takes place ...

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  • Vatican Museums thumbnail
    Decorated arches inside the Vatican Museums.
    The Musei Vaticani, located in the Vatican City in Rome, are public museums devoted to displaying art and sculpture works from collections owned by the Roman Catholic Church. These museums are an exceptionally popular destination, receiving well over three million visitors every year. The museums were founded in the sixteenth century by Pope Julius II. The history of these museums began when the Pope purchased a sculpture of Lacoon, a Greek seer who figured prominently in the mythology of the Trojan horse ...

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  • Apostolic Palace thumbnail
    An angled view of the Papal apartments.
    The Vatican Palace or, according to its official name, the Apostolic Palace (also called the Sixte-V Palace, or formerly, the Sacred Palace) has been one of the residences of the Popes since their return from exile in Avignon (1377).  Previously, and for more than a millennium, the popes lived in the Lateran Palace near their cathedral, the Archbasilica of Saint John in the Lateran. Since the entry of Italian troops into Rome on September 20, 1870, the sovereign pontiffs could no longer stay at the Quirinal Palace, which had become the residence of the kings of Italy, then that of the presidents of the Italian Republic ...

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  • The St. Regis Rome thumbnail
    Part of the Lobby at the Th. Regis Hotel in Rome.
    The St. Regis Grand Hotel is probably the most historic Hotel in Rome. It became a Grand Hotel in 1894, opened by the legendary hotelier Cesar Ritz which brought a new level of luxury to Rome. The whole hotel is grandiose and filled with luxury from the very entrance ...

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  • Roman Catacombs thumbnail
    Part of some catacombs in Rome.
    The catacombs around Rome are places that always fascinated visitors. Going back to the first century, Christian Romans did not have their place to bury their dead. Until Christianity's acceptance, the Ancient Romans forbade nor offered a piece of land for Christians to bury bodies in Rome. So before the catacombs, Christians and Jewish had to resort to other pagan common cemeteries ...

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